Bredeneyer Str. 148
45133 Essen, Germany
Phone: (+49 201) 4902200
Fax: (+49 201) 4902202
Mobile: +49173 2715662
General Business Terms for Retail Market
Services and Deliveries transpire exclusively on the basis of these Business Terms.
§ 1 - Distance Selling Act
All business transactions in the area of e-Commerce are subject to the regulations of the Distance Selling Act, version dated 01.06.2000 from the Federal Republic of Germany.
§ 2 - Court of Jurisdiction
The Court of Jurisdiction is Essen. This applies also for cases according to § 38 Abs. 3 ZPO. Applicable Law, that of the Federal Republic of Germany.
§ 3.1 - Contract and Acceptance by completion of Sale
Through receipt of the Invoice and/or Contract Confirmation by the purchaser the contract becomes valid. Complaints that are not made within 14 days through successful delivery of goods back to the seller and to the point of sale are null and void. Claims are then only valid, if they have been made in writing within the prescribed time limit
§ 3.2 - Contract in the Classifieds
By placing an announcement an advertising fee is due. A contract is confirmed through the sending of an Invoice (to include E-mail).
§ 4 - Shipment
If no other instructions pertaining to delivery method and packaging is made known, shipping of the goods is made by the seller in best knowledge.
§ 5 - Prices and Payment
Applicable Prices, as long as no other currency is agreed upon, exclusively in Euro. Payments are payable by the date on the Invoice.
Free Shipping on pre-paid orders with a minimum purchase value of: GERMANY 100 €, BELGIUM 150 €, AUSTRIA 150 €. For Orders under 25 €, a minimum surcharge will be charged. This will then be remarked in the shopping cart or on the invoice.
If delinquent payment occurs, we shall charge beginning on the first day the standard banking practice interest for late payment, minimum however of 10% per year. Payments per Check are not accepted.
For cancelled payments made by bank transfer, a fee of 10,00 Euro will be charged.
§ 6 - Liability Exclusion (Disclaimer)
We accept no liability for damages which transpire through the incorrect usage of our products that arise.
§ 7 - Postage Collect Shipments
Goods shipped postage collect are not accepted.
Valid as: 01.02.2007
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